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Equity Dilution Calculator

As a startup founder, there are various pitfalls that can cause you to lose control of the vision and future trajectory of your business. One such pitfall is something called equity dilution, which often happens unintentionally but can have very real implications for founders.

Equity dilution occurs when additional shares are issued in a company, resulting in the original shareholders owning less than their initial percentage stake; consequently, it can lead to losing ownership control and influence within the company if not managed properly.


  1. Equity dilution is the process by which a startup founder’s ownership stake in the company is reduced as new investors are brought on board.
  1. Equity dilution can have a significant impact on a startup founder’s financial situation, as it can reduce the value of their ownership stake in the company.
  1. Equity dilution can also impact a startup founder’s voting rights and control over the company, as they will typically have a smaller percentage of the total shares outstanding.

Equity Dilution Calculator

Equity Dilution Calculator

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